The Corncob Cotillion went Thataway, by Georganne Deen
The Corncob Cotillion went Thataway, by Georganne Deen
The Corncob Cotillion went Thataway, by Georganne Deen
The Corncob Cotillion went Thataway, by Georganne Deen
The Corncob Cotillion went Thataway, by Georganne Deen
The Corncob Cotillion went Thataway,...
The Corncob Cotillion went Thataway,...
The Corncob Cotillion went Thataway,...
The Corncob Cotillion went Thataway,...
The Corncob Cotillion went Thataway,...

The Corncob Cotillion went Thataway, by Georganne Deen

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1 Article

Parlar del col·lectiu i segell editorial de Marsella Le Dernier Cri és parlar de radicalitat, independència i qualitat artística a dojo. Liderat per Pakito Bolino, Le Dernier Cri produeix i estampa de manera incansable des de la seva seu al centre creatiu Friche la Belle de Mai. Sempre provocatius i iconoclastes les seves edicions limitades en serigrafia de làmines, pòsters i llibres són senzillament imprescindibles. Demostracions irreverents de saviesa tècnica en un món terriblement avorrit