One more year we bid farewell to another edition of the Screen Printing Market in Barcelona, which for the first time in this 4th edition we celebrated in two spaces: in Print Workers Barcelona and in Visions - Ilustración y Caligrafía 5 minuts from Print Workers. Here you can see how was the GIVE PRINT A CHANCE 2017 that we celebrated on Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 of December.

Visit HERE our Facebook gallery to see the full album of PHOTOS ;)

La imagen gráfica del GIVE PRITN A CHANCE 2017

Give Print a Chance 2017 en Print Workers...

Y Give Print a Chance 2017 en Visions...

Visita AQUÍ nuestra galería de Facebook para ver el álbum completo de FOTOS ;)

¡ MUCHAS GRACIAS A TOD@S ¡ Os esperamos en el GIVE PRINT A CHANCE 2018! Hasta el año que viene !