
We are a maximum of 11 illustrators, designers and web developers.

Our Coworking, a fundamental part of the wider project that is Print Workers Barcelona, works almost like a family. With colleagues who have been with us for many years; and others who come and go between dinners and calçotadas.

And since we are not a sect. Every once in a while someone leaves never to return... So with a bit of luck there is a free space for you.

Good News!

We have free space available at the coworking!

Join us !

We have 2 free tables!
If you are an illustrator or designer, take advantage of the opportunity and enter our coworking now.
No commitment to stay.

Contact with us


Thank you for wanting to be part of our Coworking


Coworking fee 2024:
129€* per month
*VAT 21% not included


Here you can check our services

Free Two Day Trial

Acceso 24 h / 7 Días
a la semana

Mesa Fija
de 150cm x 75cm

Mueble Almacenaje 70cm x 58cm

80cm x 47cm

Fibra Óptica WI-FI hasta 1GB Simétrico

Living Room


Descuento 40%-50% aprox. Cursos Academy de Print Workers Barcelona

Descuento 70% para usar nuestro Studio y Taller de Serigrafía

Descuento 10% en Rittagraf

Descuento 5% en la Shop Online

Recepción y almacenaje de paquetería

Seguro de 2.000€

CCTV Videovigilancia