- Live Printing
It was great to host in our space Primera Impresión. First offline event of Domestika. In a company of an exclusive guest list and broadcast via Facebook Live we present our on line cours and we share experiences with Pablo Salvaje and Albert, de Barba Silkscreen Atelier. Artists and teachers also from Domestika . We also made one of our famous #demoprints by the hand of Ale Alonso. And we drank and ate at the hands of La Brava Beer and Juicy Food Prn.
You already know that we love doing #demoprints. Our live stamping service that we offer both in our workshop and for festivals, small brands, private events, openings or markets. Like the one we made in the Galería Cromo or in the Design Market.
Request a quote without commitment by contacting us
And here we leave the photos and videos made by Tina Vivan of Primera Impresión. First offline Domestika event that we had the pleasure of hosting in our space.
Killian, presentando Primera Impresión.

Y presentando el curso on line que hemos realizado para Domestika de la mano de Stefania Lusini

Muchas gracias a Killian @studiokill por confiar en nosotr@s, a los asistentes vía guest list de #domestika y tod@s l@s que seguistéis el evento vía Facebook Live✨