We are very happy to collaborate with the non-profit association Vidas Sostenibles by printing 100% organic and organic cotton TOTE BAGS. In addition to a mini tote bags that are a delight. Vidas Sostenibles contributes its bit in making this world more respectful of people and the environment. A cause more than necessary.

If you want us to print for you, request a quote through our PRINT SERVICES section.

Here we show you the making of the stamping of the TOTE BAGS and the mini tote bags. And the excellent final result.

Estampación de las tote bags 100% ecológicas


Estampación de las mini tote bags

https://youtu.be/osXeN32BpIE   https://youtu.be/ZRbrrymkW3U   https://youtu.be/53iz5Z0yA9E

Y el excelente resultado de tanto trabajo...


Gracias por confiar en nosotr@s !